Wars and Conflicts of the World by Historyguy.com-About Page

About this Newsletter:

History is a fascinating subject, but also a very broad topic. The main focus of this Substack newsletter is to examine the wars and conflicts of the world, usually with the goal of showing the connectedness of various wars to each other, as well as how they connect to today’s world and conflicts.

To this end, this Substack will feature a lot of lists of conflicts (I like to call this feature the “Lists of Wars”), with details about each and how they connect, as well as articles (and some podcasts!) going into detail on wars, who fought them, why they were fought, how they connect to other conflicts, all with various nerdy details thrown in.

The Newsletter’s Goal:

This newsletter’s goal is to examine conflicts and wars from an historical perspective. Generally, we will look at these conflicts from a “10,000 foot” level, as opposed to a ground-level or trench-level view. There are many books, videos, podcasts, and Substacks that look at the ground-level details far better than I can.

Who Am I?:

I am an American citizen who has always been fascinated by world events and politics, especially the brush-fire wars in the Third World that usually received little attention in the regular media. When I was younger, I am pretty sure I was the only kid in my school who eagerly read the newspaper for updates on how the Soviets and Cubans were fighting their imperial wars in Angola and Ethiopia during the late 1970s; a period of American retreat from world leadership during the post-Vietnam era.

Another area of interest is finding and examining “wars within wars.” For example, within World War Two, we see several smaller conflicts embedded within the larger world conflict, such as the France-Siam War, the Winter War between Finland and the Soviets, and the British/Soviet war against, and occupation, of Persia (modern day Iran). History is full of examples like this. How these all fit together is an interesting puzzle to piece together.

My interests led me to study history and political science in college; becoming a high school and middle school history and civics teacher as my vocation. In 1997, I began writing online with my website, The History Guy, where I went public with my love of history and current events. Today, I am launching a fresh newsletter format I call State of the World, where I examine domestic and world events, and share them with you.

I hope you find the Wars and Conflicts of the World by Historyguy.com newsletter interesting, informative, and thought-provoking.

Thank you,

Roger Lee

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Examining historical and modern wars and conflicts while examining how they connect to other conflicts and historical events.


Examining the conflicts and wars of the world both historically and in the modern world for YOU!